> Finger
Fracture > Treatments
Reduction, Pinning
Treatment Introduction
Based on the nature and
location of your finger fracture, your physician may
inject a local anesthetic directly into your finger
or hand to aid in performing a closed reduction. Once
this has been done, the fracture will be reduced, or
placed back in its normal position, by putting gentle
pressure on the joint and moving the parts together.
After a closed reduction has been performed, the fracture
still may be unstable. If this is the case, the fracture
may need to be stabilized using external pins or wires
that are passed through the skin and fixed to the finger
bones or screws and plates may be necessary depending
on the fracture. There are three types of pinning that
can be used: direct pinning, intramedullary fixation,
and fixation to adjacent bone.
The decisions you make and the actions
you take before surgery can be every bit as important
as the procedure itself in ensuring a healthy recovery.
a second opinion from another qualified surgeon is often
advisable, particularly in rare or unique cases.
sure you have received any equipment you will need when
you get home from the hospital. You should receive prescriptions
for these items from your doctor when your surgery is
the potential risks and benefits of the surgery by asking
your surgeon any questions that will help you better
understand the procedure. It can also help to talk to
someone else who has undergone the same surgery.
physical problems, such as a fever or infection, should
be reported to your surgeon, and you should notify your
surgeon of any medication you are taking.
reduce the risk of infection, improve healing, and decrease
complications, try to quit smoking or decrease the amount
you smoke. In general, smokers have a higher infection
and complication rate overall.
check if the orthopedist performing the surgery is board-certified
or eligible, call the American Board of Orthopaedic
Surgery at 919-929-7103.
At most medical centers, you will
go to "patient admissions" to check in for
your closed reduction and pinning of your finger fracture.
There may be separate check-in areas for ambulatory
outpatient (patients who go home the same day after
surgery) and for overnight inpatient surgery. Be sure
to ask your physician or an assistant about this. After
you have checked in to the hospital or clinic, you will
go to a holding area where the final preparations are
made and paperwork is completed. You will wear a hospital
gown and, if applicable, remove your watch, glasses,
dentures, and jewelry. You will have the opportunity
to speak with your orthopedic surgeon or an assistant,
and meet the anesthesiologist or anesthetist (a nurse
who has done graduate training to provide anesthesia
under the supervision of an anesthesiologist). Then,
you will be taken to the operating room. Here are some
important things to remember for the day of your surgery:
will probably be told not to eat or drink anything after
midnight on the night before your surgery. This will
reduce the risk of vomiting while you are under anesthesia.
you may be unable to drive, arrange for someone to help
take you out of the hospital and drive you home when
you are released.
it easy. Keeping a good frame of mind can help ease
any nerves or anxiety about undergoing surgery. Distractions
such as reading, watching television, chatting with
visitors, or talking on the telephone can also help.
Surgery Procedure
The procedure is usually performed under a regional
anesthetic which, means that they give you numbing medicine
to make your hand or arm go to sleep. You can stay awake
for the procedure or receive medicine to relax. If enough
relaxing medicine is given, you can fall asleep so that
you do not have any memory of the actual procedure.
You usually spend 1-2 hours in recovery room waiting
for the medicine that relaxed you to wear off. The more
sedation that you receive, the longer you will spend
in recovery after the procedure. Most doctors also use
numbing medicine so that your hand may be asleep after
you wake up. The numbing medicine can last for 2-6 hours.
When the numbing medicine wears off the pain begins
and you are given oral medication to reduce your discomfort.
After closed reduction and pinning of a finger fracture,
the length of time that you will need to keep the splint
on varies according to the severity of your injury and
which bone is affected. You should return to the doctor
approximately 8-10 days after the procedure to have
the stitches removed. During this time you can not get
the area wet. When taking a shower you can place a large
plastic bag on your arm with a rubber band at the top
part of your arm. Hold your elbow over your head so
that water does not role down your shoulder and into
the bag. Commercially-made bags, which function in a
similar way, can be purchased at a surgical supply store.
Applying ice to the finger is helpful for the first
two to three days. The cold causes the blood vessels
to constrict (shrink). This reduces blood flow to the
hand and therefore helps the body stop the internal
bleeding which occurs from the torn ligament. This bleeding
is seen through the skin which you call a bruise. The
less bleeding there is, the less inflammation there
will be, which means a quicker recovery and return to
activities. Keeping the hand elevated also helps because
it reduces blood flow to the hand and limits swelling.
Swelling in the hand causes the pressure in the tissue
to increase. Your brain interprets this pressure as
pain, therefore, the more swollen the hand becomes,
the more painful. By elevating the hand the fluid which
has collected there runs down into the forearm just
like a river runs down hills. This reduces the swelling
of the hand and gets rid of the annoying throbbing that
occurs after finger injuries.
Following closed reduction and pinning of a finger
fracture, your physician may suggest that you begin
a program of range of motion while with other types
of fractures immobilization is continued until bone
healing has occurred. Your physician and physical therapist
will instruct you on the proper course of rehabilitation.
When you can start these exercises depends on the nature
and severity of fracture you have suffered and the type
of fixation that was used to stabilize it. For example,
direct pinning to stabilize some fractures of the phalanges
can allow you to begin range of motion exercises almost
immediately. Conversely, some fractures that involve
the metacarpal bones require that you wait up to three
weeks before motion is started. Depending on the severity
of your injury, return of full joint motion after a
finger fracture can take as long as several months.
During this time swelling and stiffness may recur. A
return to sports or strenuous physical activity should
not be rushed, and should only be done after consultation
with your physician.
Though finger fractures are contact injuries that often
cannot be avoided, you can take steps to minimize your
risk of suffering a fracture. If you play contact sports
such as football, hockey, or lacrosse, make sure you
wear padding that protects your hands and fingers. Never
use old, worn-out pads that have lost their stiffness.
Maintaining hand and finger strength and coordination
also can help prevent some finger injuries. Ask your
physical therapist for a specific program of exercises.